Simulation modelling is invaluable in many fields of scientific research. It allows us to explore topics to refine ideas that we can then test experimentally, or test things that just wouldn't be feasible any other way.
I have recently been learning to use SLiM, software written by Ben Haller, to run forward genetic simulations. In SLiM we can model a population (or many populations) - specifying parameters that define its genomic structure, biology, ecology and environment - before tracking its evolution over 1000s of generations!

I am an evolutionary biologist interested in the adaptive processes underlying evolutionary change. I use ecological experiments and genomics to characterise how populations are structured across space and time.
I also believe in the power of public engagement and science communication to draw attention to, and mobilise support for, important issues arising from contemporary research. I present and produce the podcast of the Journal Heredity, an academic publication owned by the genetics Society.
I'm currently involved in several projects: working on an endangered species of day gecko, with project partners in Madagascar; the effects of climate change on insect reproduction; as well as various science outreach and engagement activities.